On June 13, 2018, the renovated outdoor aquatic centre Riviera in the Czech Republic was officially opened, and became the largest outdoor stainless steel aquatic centre in the world. The supplier of stainless steel pools was Berndorf Bäderbau and the reconstruction of the whole area was carried out in record time.
Technical specifications:
Location: Brno, Czech Republic
Investment: C$13,625,000 + GST
Start of reconstruction: September 2017
Completion of reconstruction: May 2018
Pool supplier: Berndorf Bäderbau s.r.o., CZ
Supplier of the pool technology: Centroprojekt Group, a.s., CZ
Swimming pools
The Riviera aquatic centre is created by a cascade of three stainless steel pools in a riverbed imitation, which was built in former bypass of the Svratka river's shoulder. The depth of the entire basin corridor is graduated and its total length of 390 m is truly exceptional. The first part is a wading pool, the second part is a swimming pool for non-swimmers and the third part is dedicated to swimmers.
Large wading pool is designed for the smallest visitors. It is 120 m long and 18 m wide, its depth is between 5 and 60 cm and can entertain thousands of children at the same time.
The pool for non-swimmers, which has a shape of a mild river bay, has a length of 135 m and a medium width of 17 m. The depth of this part is gradually sloping from 120 to 150 cm.
The last part of the pool corridor is designated for swimmers. It has a length of 135 m, a width of 17 m and a variable depth from 150 to 170 cm.
The total water surface is 6600 m2, the volume of water in the pools is 6150 m3 and the total capacity of the area is 7800 persons.
Area has two dominant attractions - 75 m long and 8 m high toboggan, and a straight slide with a range of 4 m and 15 m.
The pool for swimmers is equipped with air benches and loungers (with length of 80 m), a climbing wall with a height of 3 m and a cable bridge with waterlilies 36 meters long.
In the swimming pool for the smallest visitors, the children will find water cannons, gushers, water mushrooms and hedgehogs, 6 m long water curtains, bucket trees and fountains.
Basic technical data of the pools

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